September 2020 Back to School

The love of Canadians is shining brightly as 100 youngsters are heading back to school in Burundi. On Saturday September 5th 2020 we held our 9th annual Back to School event. Our team in Burundi distributed the school supplies made possible by your financial donations. We were able to supply these students with notebooks, uniforms, shoes, backpacks, and writing supplies to 50 children from the community of Kivumu and 50 from Buterere.

Many of these children have never worn shoes or owned a backpack until now. Your generous donations have provided these kids with the tools they need to shape their future. Education is vital to development in these areas, and will help to break down the cycle of poverty in Burundi. More importantly, attending school will help these children build confidence, gain knowledge, and become empowered. This truly would not have been possible without our sponsors. Thank you for helping us send these kids back to school.

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

© Copyright 2023 Wings of Hope for Africa