Learning Centre Sewing Program

Congratulations to our two students from our Learning Centre’s sewing program at Masoro, Rwanda. Our financial support is giving students like these recent graduates a new lease on life through education. Our Learning Centre trains participants to sew clothing so they can then sell their goods at the market. After graduation, Wings of Hope for Africa supports its graduates by giving them a free sewing machine. We’re so glad we can sow into new sewing businesses!

These new entrepreneurs are getting a solid chance at breaking the cycle of poverty. Starting a sewing business brings them steady income and positive self-worth too. Self-sustainability is one of our key missions to helping make a difference in the lives of so many. We send a big thank-you to the staff of ERC Masoro for their incredible support and for allowing us to serve in their community. You can help us help others with this important program — one stitch at a time.

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

© Copyright 2023 Wings of Hope for Africa