Buterere Brick Project

We are overjoyed to announced Wings of Hope for Africa’s second Brick Project in Buterere, Burundi. After severe flooding destroyed the houses and belongings of many families earlier this year, so many families remain without hope and are still recovering from these tragic circumstances. Some of the money raised for the flood victims was used to help families make bricks. They’ll be able to sell these bricks and receive a daily income as a result.

aim to develop self-sustainability and economic growth so there’s less poverty and a better quality of life for many. Families will be able to reinvest the money from their brick sales into other small businesses.when that happens, monthly income will be generated, new jobs will be created and self-sufficiency will grow in Burundi.We send a big thank you to our sponsors who donated to our flood campaign!

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.



3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

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