Founder’s Story

The Wings of Hope for Africa Foundation was borne out of my compassion for children in need. 

I was born and raised in Burundi, a country in East Africa marked by widespread poverty and political upheaval. In 2005, I immigrated to Canada. I am now a married mother of three beautiful children. Becoming a mother and experiencing the depth of my love for my children also expanded my compassion for mothers who fear not being able to feed and support their own children, a far too common experience in East Africa. The privileges I have had as a woman and mother in Canada, the deep love for my children, and my early experience in the harsh realities of Burundi shaped my deep desire to support families in poverty. 

Early on in the WHA conception, our efforts focused on supporting the most vulnerable families in Burundi. Through various initiatives which you can learn more about under our history and programs tabs, we worked to address basic needs and build foundations for self-sufficiency. Since then, we have had the opportunity to expand into Rwanda, a neighboring country in East Africa, and into Calgary, Alberta, Canada, my new home city. Our purpose remains strong, to give to those less fortunate and to help them help themselves. 

Early on in the WHA conception, our efforts focused on supporting the most vulnerable families in Burundi. Through various initiatives which you can learn more about under our history and programs tabs, we worked to address basic needs and build foundations for self-sufficiency. Since then, we have had the opportunity to expand into Rwanda, a neighboring country in East Africa, and into Calgary, Alberta, Canada, my new home city. Our purpose remains strong, to give to those less fortunate and to help them help themselves. 

Our History

Click below to find more details on our rich history of service!

Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors!

Our Partners are a significant part of the success of our programs and initiatives. Thank you to all the organizations listed below who generously support us and help to make it all possible!

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

© Copyright 2023 Wings of Hope for Africa