December 2020 Hope for The Holidays Food Donation
During the holidays, we spread joy by donating food hampers that included beyond meat sausages and ground beef to more than 500 families in need in our beautiful city of Calgary.
Families were happy to find food at their doorsteps. This simple act of kindness meant a lot to those who received the food hampers. They were grateful, appreciative, and so thankful for all that they received. The recipients were able to provide food for their families and that was more than enough for them.
The volunteers at Wings of Hope for Africa has proudly delivered the food hampers, and we are grateful for their time and support. We continue our efforts to help people in need as our community struggles with COVID-19.
We recognize that the work is far from done. There are still many families and individuals in Calgary facing food insecurity. So we continue our work and are appreciative of your help.
Please consider donation to our charity so that we can continue our work together in our community. Click here to learn more about our Hope for kids Canada Program.