Children Sent Back To School


Food Hampers Delivered


Healthcare Accessibility


People Helped Worldwide


Children Sent Back To School


Food Hampers Delivered


Healthcare Accessibility


People Helped Worldwide


Children Sent Back To School


Food Hampers Delivered


Healthcare Accessibility


People Helped Worldwide

Give Resources

Donate in need items directly at our Calgary office. You can find our needed items list here!

Give Money

Our programs work on the generosity of our donors. Donate today to a program of your choice.

Give Time

Become a volunteer if you are motivated & ready to support people and the community.

Helping Today,

Building Hope for Tomorrow

We are a registered charity, founded in 2011, dedicated to combating poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa and in Calgary, Canada. Through community empowerment, the development of self-sufficiency programs, and support of people’s basic needs, we strive to break down the barriers of escaping poverty and push towards a more equal future full of hope and opportunity.

Our Programs

The Wings of Hope for Africa Foundation is driven on the principles of sustainability, empowerment, and equality. We believe that every individual is deserving of opportunities and we work to make this a reality through our programs that address basic needs and lay foundation for people in poverty to life self-sufficiently. Our registered non profit organization was founded in 2011 and provides poverty alleviation efforts in Burundi and Rwanda, located in East Africa and in Calgary, located in Canada.

How Do These Programs Run?

Our programs are fully funded by the generosity of our donors and sponsors and facilitated by our dedicated volunteers. We are proud to share that 75.57% of our funding in 2022 went directly to our charitable programs, with the remaining funding being used for administrative costs. To read more about our finances visit our finances and reports page!

Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors!

Our Partners are a significant part of the success of our programs and initiatives. Thank you to all the organizations listed below who generously support us and help to make it all possible!

Make a Donation,

Make a Difference

Your generosity will fund our programs that work to combat poverty in East Africa and Canada. You can also choose which program you would like to direct your donation to!

Give Your Time,

Volunteer With Us!

Visit our volunteer page for more information and let us know how you would like to contribute to alleviating poverty!

Give Back to Your Community

We’re a registered charity dedicated to family welfare, empowering communities & developing self-sufficiency programs to end poverty in Burundi and Rwanda, East Africa, and in Calgary, Canada.


3936 A 29 Street Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 6B6 Canada

© Copyright 2023 Wings of Hope for Africa